Project Topics
Here are some ideas to get you thinking about projects related to Wildland Fire problems. This list is by no means exhaustive; these ideas are examples of problems identified by some of our faculty and industry mentors. Teams are encouraged to either pursue one of these sample problems or one related to their own interests and ideas.
Also, if you missed the Winter Quarter Seminar series on Wildfires, you might want to hear some ideas shared by our great speakers.
Photo Point Monitoring ML tool
Using machine learning to track vegetation changes in time
Mapping root causes for locational catastrophic wildfire risk
Mapping root causes for locational catastrophic wildfire risk
Traffic data to predict a fire
Could traffic data be used to predict a fire?
Minimizing Ignitions
Can utilities operate the grid differently than PSPS?
Wildfire Carbon Quantification
Use Planet data to improve carbon quantification metrics
Infrastructure Inspection
Can AI be used to provide timely and accurate infrastructure inspections?
Community Resilience
focus on ways to improve communication with vulnerable and traditionally under-represented populations
Risk-based maintenance strategy
What does a risk based vegetation maintenance strategy look like that balance’s lifecycle costs, performance and risks on outages and ignitions?
Early Detection Using Cameras
Improve early detection of wildfires using wildfire tracking cameras
Vulnerable Populations
Can you empower vulnerable populations?
Multi-benefit Forest Management
Balancing goals for recreation, forestry, grazing, and mining
Cascading disasters
How can competing disasters be managed?