Public Opinion & Support for Wildfire Policies

We conducted a regional poll in the American West states (states that are west of the 100th Meridian) with a sample size of 3,000 respondents. The survey includes a pretty comprehensive battery of socio-demographic factors and attitudes toward different wildfire policies. We also have respondents' zip codes so that additional contextual variables can be appended to individual-level data.
Some questions of interest:
a) prediction model (i.e. who is more likely to support policy X)? How does that vary across geographies?
b) where are the areas of policy agreements and disagreements?
c) what kind of bipartisan coalition can be built to overcome partisan division over a range of public policies?
d) how do personal experiences with other disasters (e.g. flood, drought), or spatial proximity to recent fire, affect one's support for wildfire policies?
- Stanford poll reveals that Californians are unwilling to subsidize wildfire prevention