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EarthHacks Live (Archived)

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Important Connections and Links

Join us on the Big Earth Hacks 2018 Slack Workspace. Register yourself to join Slack. Slack will be our main communication channel during the event.

You will post your team's project to Devpost for judging and prize consideration. Be sure to register/connect to our hackathon on DevPost. You can see the list of our awesome prizes on the Devpost page. Make sure you have project submitted on DevPost by no later than 8am on Sunday, April 15. (Hacking continues until 9am, but we need your preliminary submission to assign you a location for the Project Expo.)

Be a good citizen and adhere to our Big Earth Data Hackathon Code of Conduct.


Here are some maps summarizing the locations for workshops, hacking, meal, snack, and caffeine pickup. Please special attention to the doors that will be remain unlocked during the event.

Food and Caffeine

Meals/food (after the Opening Ceremony) will all be served in the Kitchenette adjacent to the Hartley Conference Room (Mitchell Earth Sciences Building). Snacks and beverages will be available around the clock. Tentative "meal times" are:


  • 7:30am    Light breakfast / Check-in [Shriram 104]
  • 12pm       Lunch
  • 6pm         Dinner
  • 10pm       Krispy Creme Sugar rush to power through the night.


  • 8am        Krispy Cremes, part deux and bagels
  • 11:30am Lunch w/ a chef from Just presenting JUST Scramble!